About the Fair

2020 Washington Small Business Fair

view the sessions BizFair Program Guide

2020 Seminar Sessions

The virtual 2020 Washington State Biz Fair featured a keynote address and small business owner panel discussion and a series of 60-minute business seminar sessions. The seminars covered topics from creating a business plan and navigating federal taxes to building a website and growing a strong agricultural business.

Opening Session
Creating a Great Place to Work: Human Resources Best Practices
Starting a Business: What Does it Really Take to Start a Business?
Package & Price Services to Maximize Revenue
Connect with Customer and Manage Your Business Remotely
Strengthening Creative Arts/Crafts-Based Business
Selling Online: E-Commerce Readiness and Pivoting
Create a Quick Business Plan
WA Small Business Requirements & Resources: COVID-19 Impacts
Small Business Bookkeeping and Quickbooks Online Basics
The Basics of Business Entities, Contracts, & Leases
Washington State Business Taxes
Register, License, Go
Beyond Startup: Avoiding Four Fatal Errors
Slay the Social Media Dragon
Tips and Tools for Growing Sturdy Businesses in Agriculture
Finanancing & Crowdfunding Panel
Selling to the Government
Federal Taxes and the Small Business Owner
Keys to Creating a Business Boosting Website
PSE Lighting Incentives for Your Business
DIY Market Research
How to Become a Seller on Amazon Business